Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Other Health Discussion => Topic started by: Echinacea on April 30, 2013, 01:16:40 PM

Title: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on April 30, 2013, 01:16:40 PM
Just wondering if there are any ladies out there with gallstones, but that take hrt?
I have just had a trial of estradot patch, but reacted badly to it.  Now have been prescribed Evorel patch to try.
Am slightly concerned about the increased risk of making my gallstones worse.
Also would like to hear of any other ladies that are using Evorel, and how they have got on with it?
It would be great to know how others react to it.
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: CLKD on April 30, 2013, 02:46:52 PM
When did you last speak with your Surgeon?  You could ring his Secretary and see if she has any knowledge about whether the meds will upset the gall bladder?
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: honeybun on April 30, 2013, 03:35:23 PM
Have you tried Milk Thistle for your gall stones.

It has to be the strongest one that you can get. My OH was told recently to take this as it really helps.

Have a Google and see what you think.

As for taking HRT....I would have a word with my GP or email Dr Currie for some advice.
I think patches would be the best for you as the don't go through the digestive system or liver.

Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Taz2 on April 30, 2013, 05:12:45 PM
Even patches though carry the warning that they can cause gall bladder disease so I am not sure on this one  :-\

Taz x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on April 30, 2013, 08:34:55 PM
Hi ladies,
Thanks for your replies.
CLKD: I have not got a surgeon!  About 5 years ago my GP sent me for a scan which showed loads of little gallstones.  GP said they were not too bad, and see how it goes.
So, I have ignored things, and put up with the discomfort.  It has not been too bad, but very uncomfortable at times.  GP did not seem too interested.  Was just worried starting hrt will make things worse.  Obviously, a visit to the GP is in order....
Honeybun: I will get some milk thistle tomorrow, thanks for the advice.  It is a patch that has been prescribed.
Taz: This is a dilemma, as I feel that I really need some help at moment, but am risking a nasty gall bladder flare. Am tempted to watch my diet, take the milk thistle, drink loads of water and hope for the best....!
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: CLKD on April 30, 2013, 09:06:10 PM
Maybe it's time to have another scan?
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on May 01, 2013, 06:33:20 AM
Yes, CLKD, think maybe I should go back to GP and ask for a further scan.  Am in quite a lot of discomfort at the moment.  Doctors seem very reluctant these days to do anything about gall stones until you are in dire agony, and I don't really want that!
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: CLKD on May 01, 2013, 05:37:45 PM
Put it on a bit then?
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on May 02, 2013, 05:59:49 PM
Hello CLKD,
Yes, it seems to get anything done, you have to slightly exaggerate.....!  Sometimes it seems to depend what mood the doctor is in!
Have got a supplement today from a high street health store, that is supposed to dissolve fat in the liver and gall bladder, and protect from getting more stones.  I googled it when I got back and it does seem to help.  It is called lechinin. So, am going to try it anyway, and go see doc when I get chance.
Thanks for reply
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: honeybun on May 02, 2013, 06:02:23 PM
Did you look at the Milk Thistle.

It has great reviews and my husband's consultant actually told him to use it as they have has success with it.

Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on May 03, 2013, 05:58:18 AM
Honeybun:  Yes I did buy the milk thistle along with the lecithin.  The lady in the shop was very positive it is helpful, so have started taking that too.  Thanks for the suggestion!
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: English Rose on May 15, 2013, 10:30:45 PM
Hope you don't mind me asking but what symptoms do you/did you get with your gallstone flare?  Is it painful and right sided (as the textbooks say?) and does it affect your digestive system in general?. I'm asking as I've suffered from gastric reflux (GERD) and indigestion intermittently for years but I don't have pain, just a bit of discomfort on the left side occasionally particularly if I've eaten rich or greasy foods. It responds well to antacids. A friend suggested it may be gall bladder related but GP always says no - IBS.
Good luck with your HRT - I'm on the oral type and generally get on very well with it.
Best wishes, ER x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on May 16, 2013, 06:05:24 PM
Stellajane: Yes doctors do seem to be very complacent about gallstones, and I worry that I will end up at some point with an emergency admission like your husband!  But it does seem that docs will not do anything about it until you are that unwell.  Not nice is it?  I imagine if it was them, it would not happen because they would get theirs taken out!

English Rose:  No problem with you asking.  Pain, right sided is the main thing, with belching (a lot) at times, and bright coloured stools (hope I am not being too graphic!)  The colour changes from dark brown to almost orange during a flare up.  I know this is most yuck! but that is main  way for me, anyway to know that is was gallstones.  Having gallstones changes the consistency of bile, and it shows!  Also the pain is always right sided.
Hope that helps.  BTW, disaster with HRT - was sick, dizzy, constantly then got extreme pain in vulva.  Another allergic reaction....
Giving up, I think!
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: honeybun on May 16, 2013, 07:30:32 PM
Orange coloured stools can sometimes mean that things are passing through too quickly.

Have you tried Jan de Vries Bowel Essence. It slows down transit and gets rid of the churning grumbling tum.

Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: Echinacea on May 16, 2013, 09:19:20 PM
Honeybun:  No, have never heard of it.  Have just googled it, and found the website.  Shall send for some.  My transit time can be a bit fast when I get anxious.  Do you use this? Do you use anything else from this range?  When I do get anxious, which is quite often, the gallstones start to move, and that is when I get pain, and the light coloured stools. 
Also, have found my triggers: eggs, chocolate and pork!  Can cope without the eggs and pork, but do succumb to chocolate sometimes!
I did have a scan which showed lots and lots of small stones.  As long as they stay where they are it's ok, its when they move around....!
Within hours of putting on the hrt patch, the pain started, even though the patch is supposed to be better then oral.  Have had to stop it now anyway, it made me so ill.  Perhaps for the best.
Echinacea x
Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: honeybun on May 16, 2013, 09:30:49 PM
At the moment I use tormentil but that is being taken off the market. I have used the bowel essence and its very good.

I have been to see Jan de Vries quite a few times over the years. There is a helpline number which is staffed by very nice knowledgeable people.

He has shops in my part of the world and just about everyone I know has visited him. He does free consultations with no obligation to buy.

With his help I got my IBS under control.

With regard to your gallbladder. My sis had hers removed nearly two years ago and says if she knew then what she knows now she would have hung onto it as long as she could.
The bile runs straight into the stomach and can cause severe diahorea(sp).
My hubby who had sludge in his gallbladder asked his consultant about that and was told it happened to most people. My sister's consultant never told her that fact. She has more problems now than before.

Title: Re: Gallstones and hrt
Post by: English Rose on May 16, 2013, 11:31:03 PM
Thanks for the info Echinacea - in that case that is not the same symptoms that I have (must be IBS!)  Sorry to hear that you reacted badly to HRT; worth trying a different type/brand maybe?

Honeybun I was interested to read about Jan de Vries' bowel essence, never heard of that before - might give it a try as I'm on an IBS flare-up at the moment....dragging me down.

Best wishes, ER x