Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Personal Experiences => Topic started by: Sparky64 on August 28, 2013, 02:27:18 PM

Title: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 28, 2013, 02:27:18 PM
Hi.. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy with both ovaries removed a month ago. I am healing nicely and not overdoing it. A week after the operation WHAM!!! Surgical menopause hit, the hot flushes are absolutely awful, i'm having them every 20 minutes night times are a nightmare  i'm lucky if I get any sleep at all  :'(   I had blood test takes just before I came out of hospital and they showed I am suffering with anaemia, the doctor has given me iron tablets with not much improvement) I am soooo tired. I don't want to go down the HRT route (my friend has and she's put on 3 stone).. I have got a box of menopace here but don't know if it's ok to take it while i'm taking iron tablets, it's also expensive and i'm on a limited budget  :(  I'm 49  any suggestions??

Thanks Sparky x
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: CLKD on August 28, 2013, 04:00:53 PM
 :welcomemm:   have one of these  :hug:

It amazes me: and ANNOYS me too : that before total surgery the lady isn't given ALL the information required.  Have a read of the menus left of screen  - menopause and HRT after Hysterectomy for example. Use the search button too. I am sure someone else will be along!

Perhaps you should have been given iron supplements before Surgery!!!! so that you were supported as this is a huge operation and quite a shock to the system.  When do you have a check up with the Consultant?  If not, then make a follow up, go along with a list.  You may find if you ring the Hospital that there is a support group.

In the meantime, browse round  ;)
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Hurdity on August 28, 2013, 04:19:17 PM
Hi Sparky

 :welcomemm: from me too!

In your position I would most definitely go onto HRT. Lack of oestrogen will likely to cause tiredness. Also you are only a month after your op which is major surgery so the body takes time to recover

As CLKD says there is a lot of info in the menu on the left. (orange menu)

Also read about testosterone replacement deficiency of which can lead to symtpoms such as tiredness amongst others, especially after TAH. There is some ifno on it in that link and also in this one: (green menu)

Also you might be interested in what leading gynae John Studd has to say:

and probably elsewhere on his site.

Some of the testo treatements are no longer available but gel can be prescribed if necessary (along with HRT - not usually on its own). I would recommend having a blood test to check and also if possible ask for referral to a menopause clinic where you can have specialist advice.

There is no need to put on 3 stone after going on HRT - you cannot necessarily attribute this to the HRT, unless you maybe have a reaction to the progestogen or similar. I have been on HRT for 6 years and I am only half a stone overweight - and this is not to do with HRT (I am 60). many other women on here will report the same. If you were not anywhere near menopausal before your op then yes you may need to modify your diet and exercise but as long as you are careful any weight gain can be kept to a minimum.

Here is some info on this site about weight gain, menopause and HRT

Lastly when I think I need an iron boost I have always taken liquid Floridix, a concentrated liquid herbal iron supplement which is very gentle and effective.

Menopace is just a vitamin and mineral supplement so I would check your iron tablets and see what else they contain and compare to the ingredient list and daily dose for menopace. You don't want to overdose on vitamins but if they just contain iron then I presume this is OK? I think some vitamins may affect absorption of iron?

Hope this helps

Hurdity x
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 28, 2013, 05:23:29 PM
Thank You both for your replies  :)  They didn't tell me anything about surgical menopause before I had my hysterectomy. What info I have read has been on the net, but I will have a good look on here when I have had my shower n got sorted  :) 

I had another blood test last week and go back to the doctors in the morning for the results, I haven't had an appointment yet to go back for my follow up after my hysterectomy..

I wasn't near menopause before the op I had it done due to getting severe pain and heavy bleeding when I got my period I had tried almost everything else they offered (refused the mirena coil) hysterectomy was the last resort.. Surgery wise i'm fine just a few aches and pains and a terrible swollen stomach especially at the end of the day.. But I really wasn't prepared for the surgical menopause and think that they should offer more information on this..
Another hot flush is here so i'm going to stand in front of the freezer with the door open it brilliant  ;D

Sparky xx

PS.. They did a blood test a week before the op and I wasn't anaemic then..
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Taz2 on August 28, 2013, 06:33:14 PM
I agree with Hurdity in that you really should consider HRT. Your body is in shock - surgical menopause doesn't give you any chance to gradually get used to a lowering of oestrogen. As for putting on weight while taking it - some do and some don't and some, like a friend of mine, actually lose weight.

You will find lots of help and support on here. i do get a little annoyed that women are not always told of the effects of removing the ovaries. Consultants tend to go along the lines of "May as well take the lot" without explaining that the ovaries are important.

Taz x  :welcomemm:
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Joyce on August 28, 2013, 06:56:51 PM
I agree with others about HRT. I couldn't cope off it.

With regards to weight increase. My mum was never on HRT and still put on the weight. Think it's more to do with having slower metabolism as we get older.
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 28, 2013, 07:52:38 PM
Thanks for your replies.. I have read a lot of the articles on this website about HRT and read what other people think of it, it has given me a lot to think about.. I will see what the results of my blood test are in the morning and what the Dr has to say.. And will go from there, I will let you know how I get on..

Anybody having a hysterectomy think long and hard about having your ovaries removed ( if you are able to keep them )..

Sparky xx
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: CLKD on August 29, 2013, 04:03:29 PM
My Gynae was 'take them all' - having seen ladies with ovarian cancer which is difficult to diaganose .....

I think the medical profession needs  :kick: :kick: .......... do they think women are aware of what total hysterectomy means to our future health  >:(.  Perhaps speaking with the Practice Nurse and ask her to do 'evenings around meno/hysterectomy' . (Note to self).
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 29, 2013, 04:23:00 PM
Hi.. I think in my case the pain (and I can stand pain) I was having before, during and after my period was coming from my ovaries, my grandmother also died after having cancer of the womb was a big factor in my ovaries being removed. Also the consultant told me that quite often further down the line many women had problems with their ovaries ( if they kept them after hysterectomy )  Personally I did what I thought was right for me.. I just didn't realise how severe the symptoms of surgical menopause would be..

Anyway I went back to the doctors this morning for my results, I am still anaemic but not as bad as I was, he told me to continue with the tablets and go back in 3 weeks, I told him about my menopause symptoms and he said " you have had a major operation and your body is in shock at the removal of my ovaries.. He said HRT wasn't an option for me due to all the side effects and he also said that all vitamins were a waste of money and didn't work" Funny thing was I hadn't even asked about HRT (he just jumped right on it) I am just so tired.. It doesn't help that I also have an overactive bladder so now if i'm not awake to go to the toilet I am awake having hot flushes.. No man would put up with it!!

Sparky x
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Taz2 on August 29, 2013, 04:29:28 PM
Did your doc say what side effects he's talking about??

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 29, 2013, 04:39:20 PM
No!! Just a typical man!!! I had been thinking for a while about changing my doctor, time to do it I think..

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Rowan on August 29, 2013, 05:02:05 PM
Sparky64 you will find an awful lot of information here about surgical menopause
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: CLKD on August 29, 2013, 06:44:25 PM
GO back and educate your GP  ;)

Take a list of your symptoms and ask what he meant exactly.  Sometimes they talk to patients as if the patient were a mind reader  >:(  ::) ..... or if they thought they had already explained the ins and outs .........
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 29, 2013, 08:29:58 PM
He thinks because he has been my doctor for 20 yrs he knows best..  He doesn't... No man would put up with what us women do!! I am just so tired the flushes are bad enough through the day but I dread night time and going to bed, I have Zopiclone but don't use it all the time just when really tired but when I took 1 last week I still woke up with the flushes and couldn't get back to sleep.
They sometimes make me feel sick and when I have a really bad 1 it is followed by a blinding headache  :(

Thank you for all the help advice and links, it's nice to know I am not on my own..

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 29, 2013, 08:34:23 PM
PS... The hot flushes make me feel sick and give me a headache, not the Zopiclone..

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Babylon Burning on August 30, 2013, 08:17:18 AM
Hi Sparky, I do feel for you as I'm in exactly the same boat.  I had a TAH in March and had to have my ovaries removed as I had ovarian cancer.  Not one single person mentioned surgical menopause!  Thankfully I was aware of it but that's not really the point is it?  My main problems are night (and day!) sweats where I end up absolutely drenched several times a day.  I went to the docs to discuss it and all she could suggest was to go buy some black cohosh. oh and maybe I would feel better once I was more mobile after the surgery!  You should have seen my face!

So I am soldiering on and not sure what else I can do.  I was going to go private but it's a few hundred pounds for a consultation and as I've cut down on work I just can't afford it at the moment.  Sorry I can't be more help but wanted you to know you are not alone.
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Taz2 on August 30, 2013, 08:24:55 AM
Hi BB - have you been told you can't take HRT or have you made this decision yourself? The info on this site is interesting - scroll down to Sudden Menopause and see what you think

Taz xx
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Sparky64 on August 30, 2013, 08:44:20 AM
Hi BB.. It's horrible isn't it, like you I was aware of it but just didn't realise how bad it would be.. I seem to get them every 20 minutes morning, noon and night  :'( 
I have read a little about black cohosh but some said it's not good for your liver, don't know what truth there is in it?

I find myself standing on the doorstep at stupid o'clock in the early hours just trying to cool down roll on winter!!

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Babylon Burning on August 30, 2013, 02:17:47 PM
Hi Taz, thanks for the link.  The idiot GP thought it would probably be a no-no, however, the private GP said she could help me but then money became an issue, isn't it always the way?!

Sparky, I have also read that Black Cohosh can cause liver damage in certain women so I am steering well clear of anything dubious like that.  Apart from anything else I don't expect a medically trained professional to present herbal remedies, I could consult a witch doctor for that if I were so inclined!

Your GP appears to be talking rubbish re side effects as you don't have a cancer issue to muddy the waters.  If I were you I would try to see another doctor as soon as you can and tell him or her exactly what you want.  Meanwhile I will save you a place next to me in front of my large fridge - blessed relief!
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: CLKD on August 30, 2013, 02:25:15 PM
Could you contact Dr Curry on here?  Have you looked at the UK-based OVACOME web-site - for ovarian cancer information?
Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: Madge11 on August 30, 2013, 02:44:27 PM
Well I'm one more lady who had a hysterectomy and was dunked into the muddy waters of surgical menopause.  It's sad that this is still going on, because I had my op nearly 7 years ago when I was 44.  I asked my consultant about menopause and she said "you'll have a surgical menopause, but don't worry, you'll be fine" !!!!   She didn't know what she was talking about  :na:

I had been diagnosed with endometrial cancer and she told me I couldn't have hrt.  By the time I was 3 months post op I was having major whole body hot flushes day and night, and because of this I could hardly get more than an hours' sleep, was suicidally depressed, my whole body ached with joint pains, in fact I had just about every symptom you could think off.  This was the worst experience of my life.

After I refused to see the consultant who did my op for check ups my gp referred me to another consultant. This was about 6 months post op.  He took one look at me and said "you need estrogen"  He said he was happy to prescribe it as my cancer was an early stage and he was of the opinion that a low dose hrt would do me more good than harm.  He gave me Estradot patches, just the smallest ones (25?) at first but later it was increased.  Some months after that my gp prescribed anti depressants and I took them for about 18 months.

It's no consolation to those ladies who've just had the op, but the first 2 or 3 years are the worst.  By the time I reached the five year mark I was feeling pretty much back to normal.  Since then I've cut down (and eventually stopped altogether) the hrt.  I still get the occasional hot flush, mostly at night, or if I'm under stress, and I still get tired more easily than I used to but I'm doing OK.

As well as hystersisters, try googling "survivors guide to surgical menopause".  They used to be part of yahoo groups, but I just had a look and they have moved.  The lady who runs this is a mine of information and she helped me a lot.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Title: Re: Surgical Menopause
Post by: CLKD on August 30, 2013, 02:45:46 PM