Menopause Matters Forum

Menopause Discussion => Alternative Therapies => Topic started by: Ruby10 on January 26, 2018, 10:11:38 AM

Title: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Ruby10 on January 26, 2018, 10:11:38 AM
  I have been taking sage at a high dose for a week now and have started to see a big difference in the hotflushes. I am not getting them as bad now which is a relief, I just hope they continue to  work. :)
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Salad on January 26, 2018, 10:18:38 AM
Good news! Long may it continue  :D
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Dancinggirl on January 26, 2018, 10:25:40 AM
Ruby10 - Are you peri menopausal? DG x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Ruby10 on January 26, 2018, 08:13:20 PM
DG. Yes I am peri
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Dancinggirl on January 26, 2018, 09:11:17 PM
The peri stage is when the hormones fluctuate so meno symptoms come and go giving the impression that these remedies are helping.
Alternative remedies are not without some risks so do be careful.
If Sage made a significant difference it would be prescribed by our doctors.
DG x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: alibeau on February 05, 2018, 12:25:52 PM

I am peri too.  I thought that my 'lady magnet' had helped but it hadn't, it was just that my symptoms were fluctuating.

I would be interested in trying Sage though, would you mind telling me which brand you are taking? and perhaps the strength too?

Thank you!

Ali x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Bea66 on February 16, 2018, 12:55:26 PM
The peri stage is when the hormones fluctuate so meno symptoms come and go giving the impression that these remedies are helping.
Alternative remedies are not without some risks so do be careful.
If Sage made a significant difference it would be prescribed by our doctors.
DG x
I've been taking ultra sage for a couple of months now.  I'm in full on menopause, and they've been a life saver for me!  Started working after about a week, and now having no night flushes.   I can even wear cosy pyjamas again.  And sleep.  They may not work for everyone, but they obviously do for some.  My GP is happy and fully supportive, following several failed attempts at hrt.
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Bea66 on February 16, 2018, 01:51:47 PM

I am peri too.  I thought that my 'lady magnet' had helped but it hadn't, it was just that my symptoms were fluctuating.

I would be interested in trying Sage though, would you mind telling me which brand you are taking? and perhaps the strength too?

Thank you!

I take Vitabiotics Ultra Sage, one a day, it works for me for hot flushes.  I don't  know that it makes a difference to any other symptoms, but it's definitely stopped the flushes!
Ali x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: alibeau on February 16, 2018, 03:28:35 PM

Well I started taking Vitabiotics Ultra Sage over a week ago and my flushes have pretty much stopped.

I am Peri though so at the moment I have no idea if the Sage has worked or if my symptoms just passed for now.....

Either way, I'll continue with the Sage as it's not overly expensive and keep everything crossed that it is a miracle cure ;-)

Ali x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: dangermouse on February 17, 2018, 04:09:05 PM
Herbs can be very effective and a lot of forward thinking GPs do recommend them. I had one who used to actually scribble the herb name on a scrap of paper and give it me like a prescription with a little nod and a wink to keep it to myself!

He's retired and would probably be struck off now for not following the rigid rules!
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Samade on March 05, 2018, 02:41:13 PM
my consultant unofficially recommended sage, it was great for a couple of months and then stopped working. Next time I saw her, she said a lot of the herbal alternatives gave relief for a short but not long term
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: weathergirl on March 21, 2018, 06:52:53 PM
ruby10 - good to hear.  I'm glad it's working for you.  There are a lot of natural ways to support our bodies in this time.  My doctor recommended sage as well.  I haven't yet tried it.  But he's very conservative about 'alternative' treatment, so for him to recommend it, it must mean he's seen good results in patients.  Good luck!
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Bea66 on April 24, 2018, 10:20:19 AM
For what it's worth, I'm still doing well on Sage.  It's been a good few months and my night flushes are gone.  I've even been using a hot water bottle!  I guess I've been extremely lucky, but after trying virtually everything else, I'm just glad to have found something that works.  I still get the odd flush during the day, and obviously it's not going to stop any other symptoms, but the night flushes are gone, and I'll take that :)
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: slayer on June 01, 2018, 11:03:38 AM
Hi guys

started having sage pills about 3 weeks ago and not really seen any difference with my hot flushes. Do I need to give it more time or is it just not the right treatment for me.

this is all new to me and i'm only 44.
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Andrea63 on June 15, 2018, 01:08:46 PM
I am new to this forum.  My doctor in Switzerland prescribed Sage in "essential oil" form.  I have been taking it for 10 days and it seems to make a little difference.  I am also taking Cimifemin fort ("Cimicifuga racemosa" - roostock).  I'll let you know how I fare in a few months.
Best wishes from Geneva!
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Kathleen on June 15, 2018, 04:31:18 PM
Hello Andrea63 and welcome to the forum.

Thank you for thinking of us, I'm sure many ladies will be interested in reading your updates.

Your post caught my eye because my son is flying into Geneva tomorrow and will be on holiday in Switzerland for a week. He'll be staying in the mountains and is really looking forward to visiting your beautiful country.

Wishing you well and take care.

Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: unicornpoop on June 21, 2018, 11:06:35 AM
 Hi all I'm new here! :) On the tight rope of deciding between HRT or continuing along the natural route, but I agree with Ruby10 that sage works for hot flashes and possibly water retention weight too. My weight yo yo's up and down daily, when that happens or a hot flush I dab myself on the wrist on inner elbows with some sage oil. It seems to work quickly to alleviate hot flushes and water weight. I keep it in my pocket at work for emergencies!  ;)
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: Tempest on June 21, 2018, 04:14:56 PM
LOVE the name, unicornpoop! Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. ;) xxxx
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: alibeau on June 28, 2018, 08:57:07 AM

I would like to try sage oil.  Do you use Clary Sage or just Sage?  Are they even the same thing?  ???

Ali x
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: slayer on July 01, 2018, 03:12:36 PM
I have been taking 2*285 Twice a day of Sage Leaf from Holland And Barret.
Title: Re: Sage for hotflushes is working for me
Post by: vintagefiend on September 24, 2018, 07:57:14 PM
does anyone know if sage good for mood and energy too or is it specifically for flushes?