Menopause Discussion > All things menopause

Is there a website that does hormone tests?


I don't want to switch to private, the NHS are giving me tibolone and it's the best, I'm lucky to have it and I have no complaints about my medicine.

However I wonder what my levels of hormones are on it.

It is the only HRT that already has a testosterone part to it and my GP refused to give me testosterone in any other way, but never tested my levels.

So I don't want to pay for a doctor consultation, only the hormone tests, do any companies do that?

Try medichecks.


--- Quote from: sheila99 on May 26, 2024, 12:54:12 PM ---Try medichecks.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: laszla on May 26, 2024, 04:12:32 PM ---I'd also recommend Randox who are vastly cheaper than medichecks and include more biomarkers in their female hormone profile

--- End quote ---

I'd also recommend Randox who are vastly cheaper than medichecks and include more biomarkers in their female hormone profile


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