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Withdrawal Bleeds (or rather lack of it)

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I’ve been using Oestrogel and Utrogestan on days 15 to 26 for nearly a year. Up until Jan 24, I had regular withdrawal bleeds for 3 days tops. The last time I had a 3 dayer was 3 Feb when I had very light bleeding. After that, I’ve a day each month with some light bleeding (the times were in line with the utrogestan routine)but I’m currently on Day 55 since my last bleed and that was less than a day. And very light again. I’ve had no spotting in between and I’m very confused.

No idea what’s going on. Has anyone else experienced something similar? 

How much gel are you using per day? Sometimes theres not enough lining build up to give a long enough bleed, happened to me as well but I am currently only using a very small blob not even 1 full plunge of the pump.

I’m lathered in it  ;D

I read about the lining maybe not being thick enough but I think I’m using enough gel. Two good pumps a day - I was using far too much at one point and felt bloody awful so had to decrease it. I’ll try an extra pump and see if that makes a difference. It’s finding that balance-I’m enjoying not having the bleed but not at the expense of something heinous brewing!

Not everyone bleeds on a sequential regime.  You don’t need to have a bleed.

Yeah I know. The thing is I was having one and now I’m not.


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