Menopause Discussion > All things menopause

No period for 3.5 months and now its coming.

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As it says, I've not had a period for 3.5 months and now I've got some brown spotting like it's coming I think. But my god I feel rubbish, haven't had this while not having periods.
Internal shaking, sore breasts, low mood, anxiety, aching.
I've been in period about 8 years so I'm hoping I am near having no periods.
Not sure that I'm asking for anything just a whinge 😂

U whinge.  We are good at that!

My periods waxed and waned for several years.  Regular then missing for months, then back; fortunately the dreadful excruciating pains had gone.  At the end of all my periods I would have a brown staining/show which was normal for me and I knew it was The Change.  Then they went but I didn't notice for ages.  I didn't stop carrying protection for 5 years  ::)

Keep hydrated.  Eat little and often. 

Thank you, that's a really nice reply.
Love this group.

How R U feeling this morning?

For 10+ years after my last bleed I would have pre-menstrual symptoms and think "OH! not after all this time!" but nowt showed  ::).  We are all different but seem to have similar symptoms and concerns.  Let us know how you get on.

3 days on and I have a period, not heavy but a definite one. Today I feel awful, headache, nausea and lightheaded.
Really anxious too. Cried a bit as well.
Assuming this is all because of my period and quite honestly it can do one.


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