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Progesterone only available in pill form?

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I’ve just got off the phone with my Dr to discuss moving to a lower dose combined hrt as Evorel sequi made me put on weight. He said I can have estrogen in gel form or a lower dose estrogen only patch but progesterone only comes as a pill, or mirena coil, is that right? Seems odd you can’t get it as a gel or cream. I didn’t want to take anything in a pill form. He’s prescribed me Evorel 25 patches and Progesterone micronised 100mg capsules which I have to take 2 a day. Has anyone had this regime with success or anyone had any issues with it? I’m undecided as to whether to take it or not as I feel ok since stopping the patch a month ago apart from having 2 periods 10 days apart.

That’s correct….progesterone doesn’t come in gel or cream.  Utrogestan is a micronised progesterone and is not synthetic. I’ve been taking it for 6 years with no problems.

You can utrogestan vaginally. It's off licence for vaginal use for hrt in the UK but is licensed in the rest of Europe (and for ivf in the uk).

I've used vaginal utrogestan for over a year now and am quite happy with it. 100mg capsule at night, every night. I started initially with it orally at bedtime and the upside was a great night's sleep. However, I'm very progesterone sensitive/intolerant so mentally/emotionally I didn't do so well. Then I tried a Mirena for 18 months and gave up on that mainly due to mood changes again. Also, the bleeding never really settled either but that turns out to be the Mirena was incorrectly sited too low in the uterus - stuck behind my section scar rather than at the fundus (top of the uterus). I also tried oral norethisterone - hideous!
Since switching to vaginal utrogestan I've found it's so much better on my mood/mind, no bloating or headaches - and still a little soporific at bedtime. FYI I have 100 Estradot patches. Happy days  ;D


--- Quote from: Dotty on May 24, 2024, 02:00:03 PM ---That’s correct….progesterone doesn’t come in gel or cream.  Utrogestan is a micronised progesterone and is not synthetic. I’ve been taking it for 6 years with no problems.

--- End quote ---
That’s good to know, thanks Dotty ☺️


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