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Elleste solo + Mirena = weight gain?


Hi I wonder if anyone has any experience of this. I've had a mirena coil for around 15 years and only 6 weeks into Elleste Solo 1mg. I've been purposely trying to eat healthier and exercising daily and the weight isn't budging. Normally I can lose weight fairly easily.....keeping it off is my problem 😅. Can anyone help? Thank you. Ps not losing inches either so it's not muscle gain


All we can do is eat healthy, and get as much exercise as we can, at our time of life I think the weight is harder to shift, unless we work out 10 hours a day, every day.  ;D
Keep going, I’m sure it’ll start dropping off, I’m sure our metabolism needs a good shaking.

I guess you're right. Onwards and upwards  😀


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