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Has anyone tried increasing progesterone to relieve anxiety?


Arya Underfoot:
I'm recently post menopausal and really struggling with brain fog, anxiety and sleep problems. I've been increasing my oestrogen to 100 and I do find I have less anxiety and panic attacks on the patches compared to the gel, unless they're out of stock, I've had many breakdowns at the pharmacy lately.

Out of desperation I saw a naturopath who suggested increasing my progesterone might help. I've looked in to it and found a medical report that suggested women who are on 100 oestrogen could take 200mg progesterone continuously. I know a lot of people on here don't get on with Utrogestan/Prometrium but I love it, it's just a pity they don't make a 50mg tablet. I have tried taking 200mg cyclically but found it too hard to go 2 weeks without progesterone so went back to 100mg continuously.

I don't have a cervix, so purely taking progesterone for it's calming effect.

Has anyone tried a higher dose of progesterone and did it have any good effects?

Thanks for any advice.


I take 200mg progesterone continuously purely because I feel good on it. I am also on evorel 100 patch.

I feel better taking it continuously than I ever did sequentially. I'm still peri though so get quite a bit of breakthrough bleeding which is very annoying however, my sleep is very good and I just feel way more stable emotionally on 200 continuous.

Hope that helps x

Arya Underfoot:
Many thanks for your reply, it's good to know it has worked for someone, might be the answer for me.


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