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Worse anxiety on higher patch??

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Hi all just me again

So after everything I've been through the past 2 weeks, GP advised me to go up to 85mg everol patch. Did this Monday and from this morning I have been sat rigid on the bed with anxiety....I haven't moved.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Plus I started antidepressant 6 days ago. This definitely feels hormonal.  Im taking it its too high for me? I've had a wobbly head, physical feeling of anxiety all day
Woukd love your help

Vicky, which antidepressant???

I'm very sensitive - to everything it seems. But even a small increase in antidepressant will send my anxiety and jitters through the roof for a few weeks. Then it calms.

I believe most have this start up reaction...

So could well be that. Xx

Best to change one thing at a time so you know what's causing what. Too much oestrogen can certainly cause anxiety. Perhaps you back to your previous dose and let the ads settle first?

Yes I've gone back to 75

I'm in duloxetine antidepressant....started 6 days ago on 60mg x

Ok. So stay on the lower dose E for a few weeks to let the antidepressants do their thing.

You may well get heightened anxiety and/or depression for a few weeks. It takes about 6 weeks for them to start working. Try and hold in there as it should be worth it.



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