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Testosterone results a bit worried -Am I in range ?

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Hi Ladies,

I have my medichecks Testosterone results. Not sure if I am over or OK or way over? Louise Newson states that the upper limit is 2.40mnol I believe? I am not sure what the recommended  range is? I know the BMS has said don't test free T now.( probably a cost cutting issue).

Anyway my results are :

TESTOSTERONE  1.66 nmol/L - range 0.101- 1.42   - so by the medichecks  range I am over!

FREE T  0.007 nmol/L range 0-0.02

SHBG 200nmol/L which has always been high.

My estrogen is always around the 350 mark.

I am not sure whether I am in range and why medichecks range is lower than what I have read on the Newson site?

Could someone reassure me as I don't want to be over the upper range. I am only using a tiny amount and being very conservative - one tube of testogel lasts me 20 days!

Many thanks in advance


Hi - My level at my last check was 1.6.. It has been 1.9 and 1.8.  1.8 is the maximum level they use at the clinic where I get tested (private dr).  When it was 1.9 meno dr said don't worry as I wasn't having any negative effects from it. 

Hope that helps? x


--- Quote from: JoannFran on May 22, 2024, 07:03:41 PM ---Hi - My level at my last check was 1.6.. It has been 1.9 and 1.8.  1.8 is the maximum level they use at the clinic where I get tested (private dr).  When it was 1.9 meno dr said don't worry as I wasn't having any negative effects from it. 

Hope that helps? x

--- End quote ---

Thank you for replying- I am new to T so having a menopause panic!  I haven't any negative effects so far.  The NHS haven't bothered testing me so i have done it myself. It seems every lab range is different, not sure why that is.


I just had my 3 month check too. I had it tested twice as I was having 2 different panel, each blood draw was within 30 min of each other and the numbers were different so I would not put too much weight on them.

The first was
Total T 1.41 (range 0 - 1.42)
Shbg 98
Free androgen index 1.4% (range 0.8-9)

The 2nd just measured my total T and was 1.62.

I am dosing similar to you and have no noticed any negative effects either. When I first started taking it I got an increase in libido at ovulation but it seems to have stopped now. Currently not seeing much change in energy whether of not I take it but it has helped with my reflux. Are you getting any positive benefits OP?

Hello ladies.

I had my Testosterone level checked by the NHS a few months ago. The normal range for females was given as 0.0 - 1.8 and the method used was Mass Spectrometry.

I don't use testosterone and my natural level was within range at 0.5.  I have used Testosterone in the past ( Androfeme from Newson Health) but I didn't feel any great benefit so I stopped. The Nurse Practitioner at my GP surgery was testing my Oestradiol amongst other things so I think she just wanted to be sure that T was in the normal range.

I hope this is helpful and take care ladies.



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