Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Menopause leaflet - The Guardian


11 May 2024

How to have a healthy Menopause - did any1 read/critique this? 

The item on repeat urinary infections could have explained in a lot more detail !!!!   How many 'infections' are not a bug  :-\. 

'vaginal oestrogen - which is not HRT - can help reduce the frequency of infections, but also can help prevent them as well'.  I'm not comfortable with this statement by ...... Dr Claire Phipps, a GP and British Menopause Society menopause specialist .

I am trying to get my head around the quote "vaginal oestrogen - which is not HRT". Was she misquoted perhaps!

I wonder whether they had a certain number of words to fill a space and also who did any editing  :-\.  I was less than impressed with that particular item.


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