Menopause Discussion > All things menopause

IUD - is it still cyclical HRT?


Hi all,

I have a few different meds to take and I'm starting to get muddled so I'm looking at how to try and minimise that!

I'm currently on estrogen patches, utrogestan fortnightly, and testosterone every other day.

I'm thinking about getting the merina coil fitted (the cessation of periods is a big draw!) but would the coil then be considered continuous HRT?

I'm 38, been peri for 5ish years, on HRT for 7 months so will be on cyclical HRT for some time yet.

You get continuous progestogen from it so it isn't sequential but there's no reason you can't use it in peri. With every other progestogen you're likely to get breakthrough bleeding but not with a mirena once it's settled.


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