Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Hair loss


Just for background I am on 1.5mg sandrena, few days of Utrogestan and recent introduction of Testogel.

I have had hair fall for around yr and now finding it quite distressing as it is noticeably much thinner all round. One side thinner than other which makes me think I should invest in an expensive silk pillow

Any product recommendations or tips gratefully received?

Firstly, have you had any tests to see if you are deficient in anything?, for example, biotin.

I can't recommend any silk pillowcases unfortunately, but don't sleep with wet hair if you are doing.

Biotin supplements can help hair growth, so can collagen [powder], and rubbing rosemary oil into the scalp.

Last night I read of a product 'proven' to help reduce hair loss.  If I haven't thrown the article into the recycling bin, I'll let you know. 

Thank you both. I am taking high dose biotin and collagen peptides but it has not had an effect. The hair loss has been increasing. I will just up the dosage perhaps.

My nails are much stronger.

I will look at rosemary oil. Thanks again

Kittie BC:
Just the cheaper silk pillowcase will help - if you have long hair also only ever tie loosely. Biotin helped me - but it was very slow before I noticed. But my hairdresser did the checking. Also worth a conversation with your hairdresser on anything they recommend.


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