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Recurrent thrush and six month course of Fluconazole

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Hello Ladies,

I haven’t posted for a while. I’ve just been prescribed a six month course of Fluconazole tablets as I’ve got thrush for the third time in six months (the first and third were confirmed following a swab, the second I self-treated with OTC Canestan).

I’m 42 (peri since 38) and had never had thrush before until December last year. I’ve been on HRT for two years and haven’t changed anything in my lifestyle so could it be hormonal ups and downs? I’m also having a blood test next week to check for diabetes.

Has anyone else had to do the six month Fluconazole protocol? Did you have any more episodes of thrush after stopping the treatment?

Thanks x

How is your diet overall?  Candida thrives on sugars.  How is the acidity in your vagina as this may impact on 'thrush'.

Canestan - pessaries made me burn++ and I had to sit in a cooling bath for hours.  Never again.

There have been a few members with similar threads on the Forum.  I suffered when I stopped taking The Pill as well as when I had emergency surgery and was starved for several days! 

Have U tried LIVE yoghurt: eaten and applied?  It worked for me during those times stated above but do keep the pots separate ;-).  I also gave table spoons to my dog when she had heartburn.  Licked off the spoon it did the trick.


--- Quote from: CLKD on May 03, 2024, 07:11:18 PM ---How is your diet overall?  Candida thrives on sugars.  How is the acidity in your vagina as this may impact on 'thrush'.

Canestan - pessaries made me burn++ and I had to sit in a cooling bath for hours.  Never again.

There have been a few members with similar threads on the Forum.  I suffered when I stopped taking The Pill as well as when I had emergency surgery and was starved for several days! 

Have U tried LIVE yoghurt: eaten and applied?  It worked for me during those times stated above but do keep the pots separate ;-).  I also gave table spoons to my dog when she had heartburn.  Licked off the spoon it did the trick.

--- End quote ---

 :thankyou: for all the suggestions CLKD  :) I’ll have a look for the other threads.

I’ve not thought to check the pH, but come to think of it, this kicked off a couple of days after my period started, and the itching/burning has calmed down quite a lot since my period ended.

Diet is pretty good for the most part. Whole foods, minimally processed. I try to avoid sugar as much as I can but my downfall is the occasions where I comfort eat (cake, desserts, etc) when my mood plummets - it’s usually brought on by hormones but can be related to other things. This can happen between 1 - 3 x a week, but then I can have good spells and not touch sugar for a couple of weeks!

I try to eat a portion of live yoghurt and Sauerkraut (not together! ;)) each day and started taking Optibac Probiotics for Women in the hope they might help!

Have you been tested for diabetes as that can cause it? I had recurring thrush some years ago, always just before a period. Can't remember the treatment now but think it was 3 Treatments with fluconazole a fortnight apart. It got rid of it. It had to be oral. There's a thread on a strain that's resistant to fluconazole just in case yours is. If you're buying it yourself generic fluconazole is much cheaper than canaston.

If this is cyclical it's probably hormone related.   2 days after my bleed stopped I would itch high up with a brown show.  Never at any other time.  I know when it's thrush!


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