Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Blood Test

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Hello Ladies
I was after some good sound advice. My oestrogen levels have come back at 362, which I had been advised is quite a good level and seem to be absorbing the HRT sufficiently (3 pumps of Oestrogel and 1 Utrogestran). My problem is that I'm not feeling that great. My sleep is erratic and I'm taking Melatonin currently perscribed in order to wean me off the sleeping tablets. My hip joint aches and I suffer random bouts of fatigue which I find really debilitating.

Is it worth me increasing to 4 pumps and going back to a blood test? I am having to pay for these blood tests privately, as my NHS GP organise this.

All advice would be greatly appreciated!

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become weak = aches and pains.  Have U tried over the counter pain relief B4 activity? 

How long have you been using 3 pumps?  It mayB that you need to continue with this for a while, perhaps adding an extra pump every 3rd night: 4 may overwhelm you as it's a sudden increase.  The body doesn't get where it is suddenly so needs a few weeks to accept the uptake. 

Crashing fatigue: I remember Mum switching off the cooker in the evening, sitting on the sofa suddenly and sleeping for hours.  I used to get very tired B4 a period.  I was also extremely thirsty. 

Which sleeping tablets were you taking?  Prescription or OTC and how often?  Metalonin has good reports to aid sleep.

Let us know how you get on.  Hormonal blood tests are reliably un-reliable.

Oestrogen levels are very individual, one person may feel great on 360, another may need 800. I would try the 4 pumps as you still have symptoms which aren't controlled on 3. My anxiety, insomnia and hip pain were cured by hrt.

Would you move up to 4 at once sheila?

Thank you CLKD and Sheila99 for your kind advice. Apparently, according to my private menopause doctor, if I go up to 4 pumps, I would need to take 2 Utrogestrans at night to safeguard my uterus lining.

I’m a bit hesitant to up my progesterone dosage, as I just about tolerate the side effects ie feeling woozy in the morning.

Any advice?


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