Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Blood Test Results and Symptoms


Hello ladies.

I just wanted to post the results of my latest blood test and ask about my ongoing symptoms.

I am post meno and using 0.5 sachet of Sandrena gel and Utrogestan orally every night. I no longer use Newson Health and this latest regime comes from the Senior Nurse Practitioner at my GP surgery.

My Oestradiol six months ago was 174 pmol/L but now it is 75 pmol/L.  I have
had a slight increase in vaginal dryness and I am waiting for a scan to investigate some pink spotting however my most troublesome symptoms are the emotional ones. My moods are all over the place every day and I often feel low and tearful. It is exhausting.

When I weaned off HRT a few years ago I experienced lots of crying and I was advised to go back on it. Do you ladies think that my present low Oestradiol is likely the cause of the crying ? I really hate being so emotionally unstable but I would feel better if I thought I knew the reason was hormonal.

Thanks for reading this ladies. I have been struggling and I needed to talk to people who understand how difficult this can be.

Wishing you all well and take care.


That's a low level . Have you tried increasing or changing  to oestrogel /patch?  It's surely worth trying to increase blood levels to see if resolves? According to this article, teariness is sign off too little and irritability too much oestrogen.

Kathleen have you tried other methods to resolve your mood issues - like an ssri?!!

I know you've been trying, and struggling with the hormones for a long time. So I wonder if a different approach might be better.

Apologies if you have tried this xxx

Hello ladies.

 CrispyChick - I was prescribed the AD Venlafaxine when I first tried HRT in 2013. I have taken it ever since but in all honesty I don't know if it does anything. I was told that it can reduce night sweats and the one time I forgot to take it at bedtime I did have more sweating but that could have been a coincidence. I appreciate your suggestion however and I think these medications are great for some people.  It may be worth trying a different AD and I will mention this to the nurse practitioner the next time I see her.

Thank you for your reply, it is much appreciated.

Bungo -  Since writing the above post I have increased my HRT to a full sachet. I have done this as my VA symptoms have ramped up of late and I think there is no doubt that the burning and itching of VA are definitely due to low oestrogen. Actually this episode reassured me that my low mood could be due to low oestrogen. I have also been taking Utrogestan 100mg orally for a few months and it may be that an increase in gel will be a better balance with the progesterone.

Many thanks for the link to the article and I will read it asap.

Thanks again ladies and wishing you both well.



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