Menopause Humour > The funny side of menopause

Holiday swimwear

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Scottish lass:
CKLD don't get me started on unwanted hair taming!!!!!!!!!😂

I gave up trying to tame my legs years ago  ::)  ;D

Your posts have made me giggle today ladies. Could this be a Scottish issue 🤔 as I also have a flattish bum (I ain’t getting a bum lift though - noooooo!), the black sticky marks that I’m forever getting my other half to scrub - geez, I must get him to use something other than a brillo pad  ;D, permanently stubbly legs (because I only get a wax when I’m going on a cruise  :o) and let’s not forget the bum, tum and thigh shaping panties (not swimwear, I know, but nevertheless worth a mention due to the torture we go through to wear them!)  ;D


--- Quote from: Songbird on April 05, 2024, 01:03:08 PM --- :rofl:
Your posts have made me giggle today ladies. Could this be a Scottish issue 🤔 as I also have a flattish bum (I ain’t getting a bum lift though - noooooo!), the black sticky marks that I’m forever getting my other half to scrub - geez, I must get him to use something other than a brillo pad  ;D, permanently stubbly legs (because I only get a wax when I’m going on a cruise  :o) and let’s not forget the bum, tum and thigh shaping panties (not swimwear, I know, but nevertheless worth a mention due to the torture we go through to wear them!)  ;D

--- End quote ---

I have lived in m&s jeggings since October. Finally put jeans on for a hol last week as it was somewhere warmer than here and omg the indigestion from the tightness of the jeans around my tummy.
Home and back in yoga pants where I'm happiest. I don't know how you ladies wear shape wear it is far too painful! I remenher span back in the day, I could never eat lunch wearing them 🤣🤣🤣

I personally would only go swimming in a divers suit,snorkel and goggles ,EVEN on a cruise songbird  ;D


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