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Vagifem = disaster!

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 I’m sorry if this is too negative but feel I should post as if I’d read anything like it I wouldn’t have wasted my time trying it.
Only used two ‘tablets’ and felt wretched. Period like pains although I’m most definitely post menopause. Felt sick. Had horrible ‘heavy’ feeling. Already feel so much better. Just have to resign myself to zero intimacy. My husband thankfully isn’t that bothered so that’s how it will be!

 There are several VA treatments and U may find that those symptoms will resolve .  How did you use the Vagifem ?  nightly ?

It's awful to get such side effects which can be very off putting  >:(.  Perhaps 'ovestin' would suit you better ......... if left untreated the vagina can in rare cases meld together which requires surgical intervention.  U could try 'ovestin' on the outer labia initially to ease symptoms there ......... and perhaps put a little 'ovestin' into the vaginal canal to see if you get a reaction.

Trial and Error can be so tiring. 


I feel like you in that don’t want to post anything too negative but I tried vagirux in January last year and lasted 11 difficult days, well 9 really as first 2 days weren’t too bad but I was so desperate to find something to help and I just kept feeling more grotty and more uncomfortable that I abondoned it, so you are not alone. But I second CLKD that ovestin/ cream might be a better option?

I was so wary and had already tried the cream internally with loading dose and struggled again however this time I was suffering more on the outside so I took it much more tentatively on the advice of the nurse ( and ladies on here) and just gradually added more slowly and smaller amounts, I also didn’t use the syringe, just my finger and it was much better, the beauty of the cream is you can be a little more in control.

Anyway I just wanted to say I hear you and agree it’s not as straightforward for some of us. I appreciate your honesty as it makes those of us who have had side effects not feel quite so mad ;).

Lesred x x

I'm another who has issues with local oestrogens. Unfortunately.  :(

Currently waiting for referral to clinic to discuss other possible options.


I also have tried estriol and blissel and both made me sore inside and I felt that it made my symptoms worse so I have stopped so at the moment I am using yes moisturiser and lube and victory oil which seems to be helping and when the itching starts I use salcura topida  I was never convinced about using hrt products but because it is now affecting my bladder thought I would try it but I must be one of the ones that what ever compound they put in these products it doesn’t agree with me.
Has anyone tried serenity 20-1 as I was thinking of trying that.


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