Menopause Discussion > Personal Experiences

Low Mood

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I am 49 and in desperate need of advice.  I have been struggling with low moods and suicidal thoughts and it is getting much worse.

I was widowed 13 years ago, my son is an adult and has left home.  I fine myself alone almost all of the time.  I only moved to this country 13 years ago so don't have many people in my life and add to that I don't like to intrude on anyone else's.

My question as I am waiting to go on hrt is how anyone else has coped with this.  It is so hard the lonliness and low moods are breaking me.

You R no longer alone  :foryou:

 :welcomemm:   peri-menopause- those years leading up to the final bleed = menopause: can be difficult.  It's The Change: does what it says on the tin.  With weird and not so wonderful happenings.  My periods waxed and waned for several years B4 stopping.  What R yours up to?  How is your diet overall?  How often are you in contact with your son?

Browse round.  Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use.  Let us know which symptoms you would like advice on.  Suicidal thought patterns are difficult, the Charity MIND can be helpful, I contacted them a few years ago via e-mail and the support was very good. 

R U registered with a GP?  Let us know how you get on.

Welcome to the forum . So sorry you are so down, but hopefully you will feel a difference on hrt.
You're not alone on here,so please join in on all the discussions and make some new friends,albeit virtual ones,I don't know how I'd have managed without this forum over the years,hopefully we can help you too xx

Thank you so much for all the kinds words.

Yes my son and i are close but only have short visits every 2 weeks.  It is so hard as i miss him so much.

Periods were every 2 weeks for a while and now every 3 months.
My diet isn't great I am vegetarian but not a healthy vegetarian and I know I need to change it, just hard to do when so low.

I am on a waiting list for the coil but desperate to start hrt as honestly this is so hard.

It's ok,most of us have been where you are,menopause wise,it IS a struggle and I too was very low for quite some time and add anxiety to that and it was terrible BUT we women are tough when we need to be and you'll get there too,please open new threads with different questions,there will always be someone to help x


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