General Discussion > This 'n' That

Ethical problem with chocolate

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Well obviously you wouldn't fib would you??? So I shall indeed be writing to the Royal Mails Complaint Dept. I don't eat a lot of chocolate but when mine gets stolen....I turn into a screaming banshee.  There Will Be Words!   ;)



Bruges. Known for chocolate, beer and lace making. 

If we do not buy products 'made in Russia' for example [other Countries are .... ] how much difference to conflict will it make?

Songbird: how is Hubby, has he taken on board that adults should check product placement first to protect the Innocent  :-\  :whist:


--- Quote from: CLKD on March 03, 2024, 04:10:05 PM --- :lol:

Bruges. Known for chocolate, beer and lace making. 

If we do not buy products 'made in Russia' for example [other Countries are .... ] how much difference to conflict will it make?

Songbird: how is Hubby, has he taken on board that adults should check product placement first to protect the Innocent  :-\  :whist:

--- End quote ---

Product placement? Nope, not especially  :o

Not sure what you mean CLKD?  What product placement. :-\


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