Menopause Discussion > Postmenopause

Yeast Infection Trail

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Midnight Shadow:
For those who have been on my yeast infection journey and offered advice thank you so much. The latest update from last weeks swab is the thrush hasn't cleared. Doctor has now put me on three months fluconazole treatment, one a week for three months plus one canesten pessary. The lady doctor was annoyed because she specifically asked the hospital to name the strain of yeast I had and they didn't. Anyway, fingers crossed it all works out. If not she will refer me to a GUM clinic. The ache I have from the thrush is diminishing slightly. Don't suppose it will clear completely until I get rid of thrush and I become more oestrogenised from my estriol cream. My question is will the chalky canesten pessary dissolve inside me if I am dry from the Atrophy? I see on line there is a soft gel Canesten pessary, just wondering if that would have been better for me. I have started to take one a day The Garden of Life Probiotic, early days with that. Has anyone else had success from this product or is there a better one ? Any advice is appreciated.

Why hasn't she referred U immediately and is she going to follow up her annoyance by phoning the Lab to find out the strain?  She shouldn't have put her annoyance in your direction  :-\

Is it itchy high up?  That's how I know I've got candida ..........  >:(

I do not have any advice but just wanted to say I am sorry you still have thrush. I wonder if it is possible to apply some vaginal moisturiser before inserting the pessary. Maybe that will help with the dryness.

The probiotic I take is the one Holland and Barret make. I find that I can tolerate that. I have a sensitive stomach and often struggle to tolerate medication.

Midnight Shadow:
Thanks for responding Floosieteacake. Applied the canesten pessary last night, not sure whether it has dissolved fully. I will have a look at the Holland and Barret make .

So sorry you are still going through this Midnight Shadow. What a nightmare for you.

--- Quote ---My question is will the chalky canesten pessary dissolve inside me if I am dry from the Atrophy?
--- End quote ---
I find I can no longer dissolve the hard pessaries postmenopause & use the softgel capsules for that reason.


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