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Thanks so much for your reply and advice QueenofReds3, I’ve just signed up for the Silver Cloud therapy. I walk every morning too - with my lovely pupper. I thinks it’s the only time I do feel calm. We go to a park and stop coffee at the cafe there. Like you, I think she helps to get me out of bed and keep me going. I think I need to be more like her - she had a big op a month ago, but soon bounced back into living in the moment. Sorry you had issues too with an abusive mother. It’s very hard to come to terms with. I don’t have any contact with her now, but every so often one of her “flying monkeys” will try to contact me. It’s all very weird. Lovely to hear that you have a loving family now xxx

Anxiety can be caused by many issues.  In the 1990s I was prescribed 'valium' 5mg 3 times a day for a month.  When I needed to be admitted for my own safety, I was told to take more 'valium'.  Eventually I took it the evening B4 an event that I was unable to avoid, knowing that I could take another 5mg the next day which I never required.

I've found rescue remedy mouth spray helpful, as does relaxation therapy.  I have tapes - remember those ?   ::)

My GP prescribed an emergency as necessary med., otherwise I am in a corner curled up wishing that I was dead  :'(.  It works, either knocks me right out or sedates me enough to enable me to relax.

Walking can certainly help as can swimming. 

Thanks for the reply CLKD. I forgot all about rescue remedy!! I’ve used that in the past and will get some tomorrow. That’s a great idea. I want to avoid valium if I can, but will have to see how it goes.

Tapes! Hehe! I do remember them…winding them with a pencil! I’ll have a look on my ipad for some relaxation apps. Everything always points back to breathing and being aware if breath, but it’s something I always, always forget when I’m in the grip of a spiralling anxiety.

Thanks for the tips xxx

I was advised to practice with the tapes so that the body was ready for the 'fight/flight' when anxiety rose.  Yeah.  Right, not  ::)

It was finding time to listen to the tapes, once I had sat down and  :cat88: was on my lap, we slept. 

Hi JoJo42

I'm sorry to hear you are suffering and as a fellow anxiety sufferer, I really feel for you.

My anxiety almost took over at the back end of last year/beginning of this. I don't recall ever feeling as bad. I  couldn't get face to face counselling on the NHS for a long time and didn't feel I could wait so I started looking at other options.

I discovered Claire Weekes and listened to some of her YouTube vidoes - she is dead now sadly but a lot of what she said and wrote (she also wrote books) resonated with me. I am also reading a book by Drew Linsalata called The Anxious Truth - that, his podcasts (not that I've listened to them all) and to some extent his Facebook page have helped me. And despite never getting on with meditation, I found the Balance app (which might still be free for a year) so good that I paid for lifetime membership.

I've suffered with anxiety, OCD and health anxiety since I was a child and had almost given up - I still have really bad days but the Claire Weekes/Drew Linsalata methods are helping me. Of course everyone is different but I thought I'd offer my tips.
Lynda x


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