Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

Postmenopausal fibroids and endometriosis

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Just had my scan results today and was surprised to be told i had small fibroid and signs of endometriosis. I'm ten years postmeno and never had either of these things ever before, no symptons other than pelvic pain that lasted about six weeks, hence the scan but have been pain free now for about a month. Doctor said she wasnt concerned but writing to my gynae to ask if we need to follow up or do nothing and monitor. Ive had no bleeding at all and im only on vagifem and ovestin so confused whats made these grow as its usually oestrogen. I had a scan 2 years ago and it was completely clear.  Anyone else developed this postmenopausal?

At the age of 62 I was definitely menopausal. I was prescribed Vagifem and this was not for me. My GP now prescribes SYLK for vaginal dryness which I use once a day. SYLK does not cure vaginal atrophy it does help make things more comfortable in the vaginal area. If you are concerned go back to your GP and ask for reassurance.

Update after seeing gynae yesterday. I havent got endometriosis, the scan shows an ill defined 8mm portion of the lining. Going for another scan next week to determine if this is fibroid tissue and that the rest of the lining is less than 5mm. If so, no action and to monitor as no other symptoms. Anyone else had this, they dont seem overly concerned and told to carry on with Vagifem and Ovestin as normal.

Hi Deidre

Do you take hrt?

I took it for a short time, but stopped it as it caused multiple problems for me, one of those being that it caused a fibroid to grow.

As far as I am aware estrogen causes the lining of the womb to thicken and it can also cause the growth of fibroids.

Hi Jari,
Ive been on local estrogen for 5 years and the gynae said its such a minute dose so not connected. I did take full HRT (conti Femseven patches) for six months but stopped over 18 months ago. I had a scan 2 years ago before going on full HRT and all the lining was 4mm then so this portion has grown during the last 2 years.


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