Menopause Discussion > All things menopause

Weird dreams!

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My sleep patterns have considerably improved since starting norethindrone (Sharobel, to be specific) two weeks ago; however, I've been having dreams that can only be described as weird! :o

Everything from dead relatives, places I've never been, people I've never met in person (but know about them through other channels), talking animals, flying, the list goes on.

Has anyone else experienced similar while on HRT or is this just happening because I'm sleeping better? :-\

I've had wierd dreams both on and off HRT, and I get snatched out of a vivid dream very quickly that makes me also have a wierd vibration affect. However the content of the dreams are not 'normal' and can range from noises shapes and colours, to just a feeling of not being quite part of a dream like I used to be. It's almost like you are semi conscious.
Think it's definitely a meno thing!

Yep.  I opened a thread on this topic years ago  ::)

My brain picks up something from the evening News: mixes it with people I haven't thought of or seen in over 30+ years; has a good route round ........ last night my JR was killed in a road accident, well actually, she died at home - naturally!

Last night my brain was very depressed, in half-sleep I could feel it.   However, in the dreams people were telling me that I wasn't depressed, that no way should I be having depression because ........... I was searching for people to help me: friends to give me a cuppa, GPs to talk me through how I was feeling.  No one would help  :-\

Fortunately, I'm OK in the day-time.

Ive had weird dreams for a fair few months now. Didn't think anything of it at first but then put 2&2 together and realised it's when my hormones are fluctuating.
I've had some bizarre dreams, lots that I've woken up and remembered (which I don't normally do) lots that I've woken up and wondered what on earth! Some that have made me sob in my dream and I've woken up sobbing too.
It's got to be another weird peri symptom.


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