Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

An end to painful mammograms?

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Sorry to hear about both your experiences.
The newer type of screening being developed is painless- it's imaging of your breasts looking for hot spots. I think this was on Channel 4 possibly Embarrassing Bodies- maybe a year back? You simply have your breasts examined by some kind of imaging which shows up red areas where tumours may develop . There was quite a bit in the news about it a while back so might be there if you google.

Good luck to you both with whatever route you go down next.:)

Thanks Sarah2, yes, thermography is a new(ish) technique which I think is only available privately in UK at the moment.  The head breast radiologist at my local hospital isn't a great fan and thinks mammography remains the best way of detecting breast cancer in women over 50, along with MRI for younger women.  Neither are my favourite way of spending time but the momentary discomfort from a mammogram and overcoming my claustrophobic feelings in the MRI 'tube' are very small prices to pay for the peace of mind that comes from being checked by the best techniques currently available. 

Linsey44 - PM me if you'd like to talk more about genetics / screening / BSO / mastectomy.  I hope you're recovering OK from the BSO and that your aunt's treatment goes well. 

I'm doing OK, thanks.  I still have 6 monthly check-ups with the surgeon or oncologist, next one is later this week.

I'd rather they found a way around having to have pap smears. Mammos I can cope with, but those paps...... bleh :-\  I have to have my bi-annual pap next week and I'm not looking forward to it.


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