Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

wierd pain in hip

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It seems to be progressing. Yhe pain is in my hip joints  now and giving pain down legs,Scatica? So trip tp docs planned. Thanks for all your advice.

Ju Ju:
Do you have IBS? I get a pain in the pelvic/hip area when things are bad. It can keep me awake. My chiropractor says it is all interconnected.

Ju JU.
yes i have got ibs. Never even thought about any conection. Am thinking of going to chiropractor fairly soon.Will see what she says.

Why would IBS and bone pain be connected?  Discuss …..

Constipation might cause low back pain.  Lax ligaments can be a problem as we age too, lack of oestrogen.

I have low back pain, sciatica, burning thighs, IBS but never connected.  Bad posture maybe  ::)

Ju Ju:
I get the pain in my left hip, when my bowels are playing up, then it subsides once it all calms down. I noticed this and asked the chiropractor, who has an interest in health generally, not just bones. The digestive system does not work in isolation of the rest of the body. Everything effects everything else.

To illustrate, have you ever tried reflexology? I used to go to a reflexologist,who could tell what was going on in my body. I never told her how I was feeling. She told me. For instance, she could tell if I was constipated ( and she could induce a good bowel movement, not there and then, thank goodness!). I could feel a twinge in the corresponding part of the body to the part of the foot, she was working on. I don't understand how reflexology works or what the connection is with different parts of the body. Nor am I an expert on the physiology of the body or on medical issues. But I do notice things about my own body, plus I watch Casualty, House etc!!


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