General Discussion > This 'n' That

wedding shoes dilemma!

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My wedding dress is a few inches on the long side which isnt a problem I could where heels. My husband to be is about half inch smaller than me so with heels he will b bout 2 - 3 inch smaller. Would. It look odd or should I wear flats and hav dress shortened??

Depends on dress length really. Flats can look okay with some dress lengths.  Ask a friend's honest opinion. 

Wear heels - Penny Lancaster is taller than Rod Stewart!

Really the best person to ask is your fiance. If he is fine with you being taller then go for it and if not ballet pumps are very pretty.

Also think of the photos.


Get the dress shortened incase it snows or rains  ;)  .......... ask at your local WI if there are any needlewomen or at the Senior School in your area?


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