General Discussion > One Life, Live it, Celebrate it!

Calm before the storm

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I am quite happy-ish at this age - glad to have child rearing days over and done, worries over parents now non existant as they are dearly departed, settled in my work life, have grown into my own skin and quite like who I am.  Only is this the calm before the storm of menopause I wonder, lulled into a false sense of security?

That's wonderful lily!

I find that now my children are adults the worries are just as bad to be honest. Perhaps yours are more settled than mine?

I am hoping one day to feel like you but at the age of 59 it seems to be a bit unlikely!  :D

Taz x

It's great you have got to this point in your life.

Like Taz I still have child worries although they are well up now.....I also have a 90yr old still no peace.

My sister's children are 39 and 36 and still give her real problems. I am not holding my breath for peace anytime soon.


Suzi Q:
Lilly dont look for problems be happy and grateful you feel good
Some ladies sail thorugh meno you maybe one of them
Please dont go looking for trouble just be happy with who you are long may it continue xxxxxx

Hope so Suzi - on the whole I am not a worrier, maybe that is why I see my job raising offspring as done.  Feel like I have taught them best I can how to live their lives and rest is up to them.  I know that does not stop sad/unlucky things happening to them but we all have to face problems we have to work through and me worrying about their lives will not help any situation that arises.  Might sound a bit harsh but life is not all roses for anyone and we have to look onwards and upwards when we can.


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